Saturday, July 21, 2012


In a time when historic Baptist principles, freedoms, and traditions need a clear voice, and

in our personal and corporate response to the call of God in Jesus Christ to be disciples

and servants in the world, we commit ourselves to:

The freedom of the individual, led by God's Spirit within the family of faith, to read and interpret the Scriptures, relying on the historical understanding by the church and on the best methods of modern biblical study;

The freedom of the local church under the authority of Jesus Christ to shape its own life and mission, call its own leadership, and ordain whom it perceives as gifted for ministry, male or female; 

The larger body of Jesus Christ, expressed in various Christian traditions, and to a cooperation with believers everywhere in giving full expression to the Gospel; 

The servant role of leadership within the church, following the model of our Servant Lord, and to full partnership of all of God's people in mission and ministry; 

Theological education in congregations, colleges, and seminaries characterized by reverence for biblical authority and respect for open inquiry and responsible

The proclamation of the Good News of Jesus Christ and the calling of God to all peoples to repentance and faith, reconciliation and hope, social and economic justice;

The principle of a free church in a free state and the opposition to any effort either by church or state to use the other for its own purposes.


To keep faith with the covenant we will: 

Make the worship of God primary in all our gatherings.

Foster relationships within the Alliance and with other people of faith. 

Create places of refuge and renewal for those who are wounded or ignored by the church.

Side with those who are poor. 

Pursue justice with and for those who are oppressed. 

Care for the earth. 

Work for peace. 

Honor wisdom and lifelong learning. Hold ourselves accountable for equity, collegiality, and diversity.

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